
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday March 19th, 2017 This Week in Life of Texac

Well, it's been a while since I posted here, so I figured it was about time. Today I went to the St. Eon Church for Confession and Communion. They do it a little different here in the Russian Orthodox Church. First, I had to fast Friday and Saturday. I could eat veggies, but no animal products. No milk, cheese, meat, butter. Simple fare only. And of course, no booze, smokin, cussin or foolin around. Sometimes 2 days can seem like 2 weeks...

This week we took the drone for a spin a couple of times. We got permission from MGB and Army and flew around Dobass Arena for a bit, and down by the Kalmius River. Still getting the camera dialed in, but if flies like a bird.

made a vid with Baikal, my old pal from XAH Bn. He was a Staff Officer when I was there, and one of my best friends. He lived 20 years in Luganskaya (not Lugansk) near Debaltsevo, until the nazis seized the town. He lost his home and 2 businesses, moved to Donetsk and joined the NAF. His story is interesting and heart-rending. It will be published next week as the next Donbass With Texac vid.

On Saturday, Father Boris and I, along with EoT film crew went to a kid's wrestling match in Kirovsky District, at a sports club we sponsor. Thanks to all who have pitched in for the kids - Donbass Human Aid, Spendaktionen fur Novorussia and all individual contributors. We will post a vid about the match and the club soon.

Had a good evening with Abdullah and Alfonzo, two of the guys I was on the Russia 1 TV program "Special Correspondent" with. It was a HUGE show, estimated 50 million viewers. Thanks to Sahsa Sladkov and the Russia 1 crew for a really cool show!

Still waiting on my DPR passport, hope to have it by the end of the month. Ukrop trolls are still trying to block our funding channels, but we are way smarter than they are. We have a way (semi-secret as of now, email for details if you want to pitch in - ). Once I get my passport, I will go to Rostov and get everything done up right. But everything takes time...

Speaking of taking time, I am still working on my book about my 6 months as a soldier at the Front in the Donbass War. I'm about halfway through, but everyday life keeps popping up and interfering. Writing a book is real work, but it's gonna be a good one - a real life adventure and a tale of redemption, with some pretty funny (and scary) moments thrown in. I am working off the journal I kept while I was at the Front. Re-reading it, I realize I had already forgotten just how hard and dangerous the time at the Front really was. Many of my friends died there, many more got wounded. It truly is a miracle I lived and made it out OK. Thanks, to all my Guardian Angels! I will try to be worthy of your care!

So, today is a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon, perfect writing weather. Guess I'll get busy!