
Saturday, June 24, 2017


What if I told you, with a straight face,

" I went to a party with A. Hug of the OSCE at the Park Inn in Donetsk last night. Elvis Presley was there too, along with Hitler and a few UFO aliens. Great party, you should have been there.
No, really, it's true."

So, of course, you ask me -

Photos? No.
Video? No.
Other witnesses? No.
ANY physical evidence WHATSOEVER? No.

Or, to quote A. Hug, "The evidence is in the report."

Do you believe that? I hope not.

So when a report about a "violent attack" against OSCE was published, by the OSCE, we should ask them the same questions,  and MORE questions.  Because exactly zero evidence has been been presented by OSCE to show ANY of this ever even  happened.  And yet, in 36 hours...

Over 1,000 MSM websites have the story - the one about the violent attack, with zero evidence. And right now it is getting blown up. US State Dep't made a statement about the specific incident, and a video. This story will be in the news cycle for days, and referenced as fact from now on, and it's 100% bullshit. Nothing to it.

Everybody in Yasynuvata hears shooting and shelling pretty much every day. OSCE says they got shot at, but no bullet holes in any of the vehicles. They say the bulletproof window of one vehicle got "struck" by a riflebutt, but they don't show the vehicle at the news conference or even photos of the vehicle. Or even at the second news conference OSCE held today. Nada.

There are about 700 OSCE agents in Donbass today. Their budget is 100 million Euros a year.
Think about that. One hundred and eleven MILLION dollars. Per year. For 700 agents in Donbass.
One hundred and eleven. Million. US dollars. Every year.

The OSCE  is not here to help the ukrops, they are here to help themselves. The OSCE is spying on us and on the ukrops. They report what they see to their bosses in Brussels, the bosses tell them what to say to the general public. They are a perception management operation with their own agenda, and everything they say is based on that. What actually happened or didn't happen is not even relevant to what they say and do. Same as almost all Western governments and media. What they say has absolutely nothing to do with the truth or what really happened. All they say is what their bosses tell them to say, what they want you to think. Nothing more.


Another funny thing, tonight when I saw A. Hug for the second news conference, I asked with all these stories floating around, why doesn't OSCE have dashcams and bodycams and GoPro cameras on those white helmets of theirs 24/7, or at least when they're "on patrol"? And why not just livestream it? You've got a hundred and ten million dollar budget per year.

Hug tells me that's a great idea, he's always wanted to do it, but both sides won't let him. Well, I got news for both sides, and anybody else who's interested. OSCE films everything they see, everywhere they go. You think they never thought of that before? They don't have the money? Just because you don't see the cameras, doesn't mean they're not there. Say "Cheese".

OSCE is not a tool of the Ukrainians. they are a tool of the people who own the Ukrainians. And I mean own the government and the people. The government is owned willingly and absolutely by foreign interests, the people of  Ukraine are owned equally as absolutely, but unwittingly.  Which makes me so glad to be from the DNR.

The whole Yasynuvata attack thing is bullshit, didn't happen. It was a scenario sent down from the bosses in Brussels. Hug's comments tonight cover up the fact that 90% of civilian casualties occur on the DNR side of the line, as well as the potential humanitarian crisis if the water plant gets bombed again. when I asked Hug how many of the 1.5 million people who would be impacted by further shelling of water infrastructure would be on the DNR side or the ukrop side, he declined to answer.

No need. A quick look at the map shows 1.5 million in Donetsk and Makeevka on the DNR side, and maybe 10,000 in a few villages on the ukrop side. More than 99% on one side, but it's a "tragedy" for both sides.

And now the story goes around the world, faster than truth can put its pants on.

THIS is what a disinfo campaign looks like. One that gets paid $110 million a year here in Donbass, and is backed and echoed in Washington DC, with literally billions more.

Remember, the Info War is every bit as important and difficult as the military war. I know, I fight in both. And we are even more out-gunned and out-manned in the Info War than we are in the military one. But we are winning. Because a few dollars worth of truth outweigh a billion dollars worth of bullshit.

I thank the real comrades, the Heroes of the Info War - Donbass Rose, Ollie and Angelina at Stalker Zone, Inessa, Joaquin and Kristina at Fort Russ. The Суть времени Info Center, South Front and Life News. These warriors deserve and need your support. So do I.

We all have a part to play in this epic struggle for the future of Humanity. Do yours. In the Info War, your dollars are our bullets. We are the machine gunners on the front lines in the Info War, and we count on you to keep us supplied. Don't let us down...